1st Prize "Safety & Compliance"

OSCOM Mine was awarded 1st prize in the category of "Mechanised Open Cast Mines" in Group A-1 in the event of "Safety and Compliance" under the aegis of DGMS, Bhubaneswar region during Odisha Mettaliferous Mines Safety Week Celebration (2019-20)

2nd in Training, Health Welfare

OSCOM Mine was awarded 2nd prize in the category of "Mechanised Open Cast Mines" in Group A-1 in the event of "Training, Health & Wefare" under the aegis of DGMS, Bhubaneswar region during Odisha Mettaliferous Mines Safety Week Celebration (2019-20)

1st Runnner up prize

28th QCFI (Quality Circle Forum of India) Koraput Chapter Convention

Gold First Quality Circle award

28th QCFI (Quality Circle Forum of India) Koraput Chapter Convention

Distinguished Award

National Convention on Quality Concepts (NCQC-2019) at IIT BHU, Varanasi

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