Overseas Buyers

S.No Documents
1 Covering letter along with BSM that they desire to import from India
2 Before entering into any business transaction, IREL is mandated to do due diligence (As per clause 5 of SOP). For this purpose following may be furnished to contactus@irel.co.in
(a) Name of the Company.
(b) Name of Owner/CEO/Director of the Company.
(c) List of Partners/ Directors.
(d) List of the name and address of all associates, subsidiaries and holding companies.
(e) Office and corresponding address along with Telephone, Mobile number and email.
(f) Year of establishment
(g) Certificate of Incorporation
(h) Registration details of Chamber of Commerce (if any).
(i) Purpose of Business.
(j) Contact details (email & address) of Consulate General of India in the foreign buyer’s country.
(k) Any other information that would aid in speedy due diligence.
3 End User Certificate ( As per clause 7 (m) of SOP)

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